Contact Us
You can find us at our new store:
Shop 30
Hillary Square
Store hours:
Monday: 8am - 6pm
Tuesday: 8am - 6pm
Wednesday: 8am - 6pm
Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 8am - 2pm
Sunday: Closed
Christmas / New Year Hours:
Saturday 21st: 8am - 4pm
Sunday 22nd 8am - 4pm
Monday 23rd: 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 24th: 7am - 2pm
Wednesday 25th CLOSED
Thursday 26th CLOSED
Friday 27th CLOSED
Saturday 28th: 8am - 4pm
Sunday 29th: 8am - 4pm
Monday 30th: 8am - 4pm
Tuesday 31st: 8am - 2pm
Wednesday 1st CLOSED
Thursday 2nd CLOSED
To get in touch fill out our contact form below:
*Please note we are very busy in the lead up to Christmas, so may not see your message or get back to you this side of Christmas*